Tuesday, November 14, 2006


ad:tech Wrap=Up, Internet and Small Biz, Big Plans for Cell Phones, Response Rates

ad:tech wrap-up by Marketing Sherpa
Fast Company blog posting http://blog.fastcompany.com/archives/2006/11/08/kevin_ryan_at_adtech.html
Kevin Ryan, founder of DoubleClick, spoke at ad:tech in a speech titled "1996 vs. 2006: The Web Then and Now". I've requested full text or a download. http://www.dmnews.com/cms/dm-news/search-marketing/38942.html
Ad revenue went from $270 million to more than $12 billion. Bandwidth prices went down from $1000/mbps to a measly $20/mbps. Expensive software and hardware has become open source software and almost free hardware. Mr. Ryan believes that mobile advertising and IPTV is the future.

Using the Internet to reach small businesses

Samsung has big plans for cell phone features

Telephone and e-mail have the highest response rates, according to the Direct Marketing Association
Story http://www.btobonline.com/article.cms?articleId=29896
Press release http://www.the-dma.org/cgi/disppressrelease?article=836++++++
· Direct Order & Fundraising: For direct marketers whose primary objective was to solicit direct-order sales or motivate customers to make a contribution, Catalog (2.30%) and Direct Mail (2.18%) produced the highest response rates.
· Lead Generation: Telephone (2.60%) and E-mail (2.45%) produced the highest response rates for direct marketers whose primary objective was to generate leads.
·Traffic Building: Catalog (10.34%) and Telephone (7.83%) have the highest response rates for traffic building, although these figures are based on a small sample of only five campaigns for Catalog and four campaigns for Telephone.

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