Tuesday, September 05, 2006


CVO-BN continues; Tower Records "Short Tail"; Ikea; Magavideos; Anne Mulcahey More Powerful than "The Oprah"

Cenveo raises its Banta bid.

Tower Records has declared bankruptcy, a victim of "The Long Tail." They certainly had plenty of warning.

Ikea tests new catalog strategy... in China!! They'll be using booklets instead of the massive catalog. Good article.

Magazines looking to sell video ads

Anne Mulcahy is the 5th most powerful woman in the world, according to Forbes. The only powerful woman I know is Mrs. Webb, and she's on the only list that matters to me. What I find so funny about Anne Mulcahy's place on this list is the fact that she's there in the first place. She was selected to run Xerox around the time Carly Fiorina was picked to run HP. If anyone had asked which one would survive five years later, all of the money would have been on CF. Xerox was as good as dead. Anne's task was far more difficult than Carly's. I knew something was different when I learned about her resistance to Xerox declaring bankruptcy, and gradually other stories that things were really changing there. My own experiences with Xerox over the years are confidential, but suffice it to say (as others have) it was a highly beaureaucratic organization will little desire to go into the marketplace and learn about it from the ground up. It was only good at selling to other large corporations. The company still has problems, of course; what company doesn't? But there has been a palpable cultural change, and there is certainly more good news to come, with many hard decisions ahead. But these decisions are no longer about saving the company, but actually about transition of old to new, and innovative ways to lead the marketplace.
Newspaper story http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060901/BUSINESS/609020303/1001
bio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_M._Mulcahy
audio interview and other stuff http://marketplace.publicradio.org/shows/2006/04/21/PM200604216.html
another bio http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/biography/M-R/Mulcahy-Anne-M-1952.html

The Digital Proof Forum has been cancelled.
Seems suspicious to me... claiming that vendors weren't ready. Is this a sign that digital proofing problems have been "solved" for practical daily use already? Certainly PDF is the digital proof in most circumstances, though few admit it.

Minimum wage article with good links

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