Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Newspapers, the Digital Divide, E-Paper, the Print Council

Yet another newspapers are in trouble story

The "digital divide" is social, not demographic. A reminder that income data is easy to find and use but doesn't tell the whole story, and also why Apple "gets it" when others don't.

Words never to use in an ad

E-paper and newspaper market article

Al Ries has an article on the marketing strategy of small business... and why it's important... and the lessons that can be learned

Guess what! The Print Council has a new member, Cal Poly. I know, because I was e-mailed a Word file of the press release. When I went to Google News and searched for "print council" I got nothing. When I went to the Print Council site www.theprintcouncil.org (and not www.printcouncil.org) the release was not there. Of course not. But I did go onto the Print Council site and read about Hasbro's first catalog, and the rise of direct mail, and.... wait... no I didn't... I should stop dreaming... We still lose $5000 for every $1 invested or donated into the Print Council efforts http://drjoewebb.blogspot.com/2006/01/print-council-5000-return-for-every-1.html
When you go to the Print Council site, play this in the background http://www.omidyar.net/group/goodfactory/file/7.53.11110910537/get/crickets.wav
Do the Google News search yourself http://news.google.com/news?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22print%20council%22&sa=N&tab=wn
(If it wasn't for WhatTheyThink.com, it would never show up on the Internet... which it finally did a day after I drafted the above; "The Print Council... information about ourselves for ourselves" must be the motto)

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