Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today's Required Reading

Advertising Age had an excellent article on marketing strategy -- this is one of the best articles I have seen in years. I love the Ted Leavitt ("Marketing Myopia" is his famous article) line that shows the difference between sales and marketing so well, and can be used to explain the reason media is shifting just as well: "People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole."

Dow Jones online revenue increased $126 million, up a strong 33%. Their print results were painful.

The #1 newspaper in Spain is... free! I had a sales trainer (Dave Rothfeld, Creative Sales + Management, whose advice helped me build TrendWatch in the 1990s) tell me that "if others are selling it, give it away, if others are giving it away, charge for it" as a way of seeing new opportunities in the marketplace. This Spanish newspaper did!

Think e-paper is a dream? It's closer than you think.

Internet use in Germany

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