Sunday, November 20, 2005


Today's Critical Reading

Business Week has a story about Random House's digital initiatives called "Random House: Digital Is Our Destiny"

CNET had a multicolumn series on the effect of the Internet and all of the new communications and collaborative approaches it has brought (like "wikipedia" and the like). The most interesting article is about the kids who have grown up in this environment, "the millenials." That article starts on page 17 of this PDF
The article can be seen online at
Great line: "For their grandparents, the bicycle was a symbol of childhood independence. Today, for many kids and youngadults, it is the Internet." I can see someone picking up some kind of task they haven't done in years and instead of saying "it's as easy as riding a bicycle", or "once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget" they'll say "once you learn to Google, you never forget."

It's no accident that Internet ad revenues for the third quarter were more than $3 billion. Ah, but it's just a fad :)

Publishing guru Bob Sacks recently highlighted a Business Week story about Carl Icahn's attempt to take over Time Warner.
I wrote the following note to Bob when I saw the story:
Advertising Age reports on a DMA study called "Financial Direct Mail Marketing Takes a Dive" -- but it was the subhead that caught my attention: "Lead Generation Response Rates Drop to 1.43% From 2.48% in 2003." Seems that these mailings went beyond the point of diminishing returns, and that's the point where you start looking for other media or better targeting. USPS direct mail data are still look pretty good, but they don't break details down by segment. Perhaps other segments are putting more into direct mail at a greater rate than financial is decreasing... that is, if they're decreasing at all... with interest rates heading up, it makes each credit card customer all the more valuable it would seem, and that value might cause them to tolerate lower response rates.

Road Warrior (incredible computer deals!):
Strongly recommended-- Norton Ghost 10 for FREE!
250GB external drive for $99!

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