Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Consumer Magazines Slowing

Just like the release from American Business Media the other day, the Publishers Information Bureau reports higher dollars and fewer pages for their most recent month, in this case, August. Revenues were up +1.6% but pages were down -1.9%. For the year to date, revenues are up +8.9%, with pages up +1.6%.

The PIB plays it pretty straight on their release, basically reporting data, and not getting into any unnecessary "spin" about how good things are.

Revenue data can't really be taken at face value because they are rate card revenues. Rate cards? Oh, head to the fiction section of the library. But at least it's a consistently collected data series, which does have some value from a trending perspective.

Corporate discretionary spending appears to be contracting, if advertising is still an indicator, of which I think it is.

Press release:

January to August 2005 vs. 2004 comparison:

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