Friday, July 08, 2005


Who Are the Print Buyers?

Margie Dana of the Boston Print Buyers has an interesting short article about the job titles of print buyers:

It made me remember a discussion I've had countless times that printers don't call high enough in organizations. This is one reason why it's really important that presidents and high level executives are active with other high-level executives of print-consuming organizations, totally outside of selling situations. This is what marketing is all about. Getting out of the stereotypical "here's our equipment list, can we bid on your next job" mode starts at the top. It's better to have strategic discussions with marketing directors about their long term plans than it is to call on lower-tier positions alone. Good sales people know people multiple levels up and below their key contacts, and work those levels regularly. As long as print sales people are paid on high commission programs, shop owners should never expect deep, proactive relationships with clients and prospects.

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