Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Media Transition: It May Not Be Pretty
USA Today had an article about a the Project for Excellence in Journalism’s State of the Media 2005 report http://www.usatoday.com/life/columnist/mediamix/2005-03-13-media-mix_x.htm . The report can be accessed at this address http://www.stateofthemedia.org/2005/index.asp . Interestingly, it is not available in hard copy and can only be accessed online. Some of the sections are just excellent, especially the economics chapters for each of the media. It is a superb resource, and I recommend permanently bookmarking it because I’m sure you'll want to access it often for a variety of applications.
An excellent article in the 3/14 New York Times titled "Can Papers End the Free Ride Online?" http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/14/business/media/14paper.html? discusses the difficult transitions newspapers have ahead of them as print fades and digital grows. One of the more interesting quotes is "Print is going the way it's going, which is down, which is unfortunate because it's the revenue engine that keeps this whole thing going. The online business model won't ever be able to support the whole news infrastructure." There will be a time when the whole foundation of publishing companies will be undermined significantly.
Related to that is an excellent commentary from Barrons about how difficult it is for industries to transition, and how they underestimate the new competition, then underestimate the costs of adapting, until it finally hits home, often too late. (Get the link now before it dies this coming Saturday– I’ll try to update it to the new link they assign if I can) http://online.barrons.com/article/SB111058586661977576.html?mod=b_this_weeks_magazine_main
An excellent article in the 3/14 New York Times titled "Can Papers End the Free Ride Online?" http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/14/business/media/14paper.html? discusses the difficult transitions newspapers have ahead of them as print fades and digital grows. One of the more interesting quotes is "Print is going the way it's going, which is down, which is unfortunate because it's the revenue engine that keeps this whole thing going. The online business model won't ever be able to support the whole news infrastructure." There will be a time when the whole foundation of publishing companies will be undermined significantly.
Related to that is an excellent commentary from Barrons about how difficult it is for industries to transition, and how they underestimate the new competition, then underestimate the costs of adapting, until it finally hits home, often too late. (Get the link now before it dies this coming Saturday– I’ll try to update it to the new link they assign if I can) http://online.barrons.com/article/SB111058586661977576.html?mod=b_this_weeks_magazine_main